SEO Agency Brisbane
How Does Google Measure Relevancy for SEO?

This is one of the most asked questions by many marketers. Google SEO algorithms is a complex process and therefore it can be hard to pinpoint an exact process of website optimisation.


The good news is that several SEO practices have been tested and proven to work. Wondering how to rank well on Google search engines? The following are ways of how Google measures relevancy for SEO.

1. Honest SEO Marketing Strategies

It is good to realise that Google search uses software and tools to constantly detect any dishonesty in your SEO marketing strategies.


Initially, people used to trick Google search by creating websites based on various ranking factors such as the use of several keywords, short content, irrelevant content, etc. Nowadays, this no longer works. The secret is to create high-quality content following good SEO practices.


Google looks for relevant content that is adding value to the readers rather than a content stuffed with keywords.

2. Accessible Layout

Another crucial thing that Google checks is how accessible your website is. They check how fast pages load in the website and readability of the content.


The secret is to maintain a clear content structure that your visitors would want to read up to the end.

3. Engaging Media

Pure text content is not as engaging as content with relevant multimedia content such as images, videos, infographic etc. Visual content is favoured compared to plain text content.


It is therefore important to ensure that you are creating visual content for your website and this will increase relevancy and help you rank better in search engines.


4. Stay Time

The time that people spend on your website makes search engines to improve the site ranking. The secret to making visitors stay on your website is creating long-form content. Besides, the content needs to be engaging and scannable.


When visitors exit your website as soon as getting there, Google search engines algorithms will assume that your content is not engaging at all and this can harm your ranking.

5. Detailed Content

Google will translate detailed content as relevant content and hence improve its ranking. As an SEO marketer, make sure that you are creating detailed and engaging content for your readers.


Content with over 2000 words tends to perform better in search compared to short content.


Do you want some help in your digital marketing? Look no further because Anchor Digital got you covered. Anchor Digital are specialists in digital marketing solutions. Contact Anchor Digital for more information
