SEO Agency Brisbane
What is the New Google Page Experience Algorithm?

Good page experience algorithm has become a ranking factor for web pages. It involves the measurement of how the user perceives the experience of interest to act with your webpage.



If your users and webpage visitors have a good experience with your page, the Google ranking factor will boost your website as it will view it as more valuable and helpful to the users.

On the other hand, if the Google algorithm perceives that your page will not create a good experience for your readers, it will not promote your page to higher rankings.

Use experience is measured using the Core web vitals. You need to make sure that your website is optimised for user experience through following the core web vitals. Some of the things that Google search engines measure for user experience includes:

Page Load Speed

Your web pages need to be loading at high speed. This is important because good user experience means that readers do not have to wait long for the page to load. This is achieved by making sure that your website content is optimised for quick load time.

Mobile Friendliness

Most people access web pages on their mobile devices. It is therefore crucial to optimise your website for mobile access. This can be achieved by ensuring that all the elements load correctly on mobile and the pages should are of incorrect size and alignment.

Safe Browsing

Users need to know that the website is safe to use. This requires you to ensure that your website is encrypted and will make them feel safe and more willing to trust your website.

In addition to these, the web core vitals that you should consider include:

First Input Delay

This is the measure of when a visitor opens your site and the time they click something on the webpage. It is used to measure the experience that the users have on the website.

You should make sure that your site is well designed to help users to interact with it quickly.

Largest Contentful Paint

This measures the time between when the user opens a webpage and the time when a large amount of text is rendered on the screen.

Cumulative Layout Shift

This ensures the score of all commutative layout shifts in the whole webpage. The measure is aimed at determining how stable your webpage is.

Google page experience algorithm is essential in helping you rank higher in the search engines. Make sure that your website is optimised for user experience by seeking help from Anchor Digital. They will help you create a website that is well optimised for user experience. Contact Anchor Digital for more information.
