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When and How to Incorporate Interactive Content


 Interactive content is produced with the purpose of engaging viewers by making them interact with it. Thus, it requires active participation, and it empowers the individual to be more just a passive viewer or reader.


What’s the Importance of Interactive Content?

  • Interactive content attracts and engages the user. It grabs the user's attention more effectively than static content and engages them for a more extended
  • Interactive content aid in lead generation. It offers real value to users, and users tend to give up their information willingly if they get something in return.
  • Interactive content helps improve brand awareness, build trust and maintain a steady relationship with clients.


When & How to Incorporate Interactive Content

Your brand can incorporate interactive content to increase user engagement, build trust and increase brand awareness. Interactive content helps your clients get to know you better, and you get to understand what they want from your brand in terms of products or services.

There are different types of interactive content that you can include on your blogs or social media platforms, including:

  1. Ads

Use interactive ads to encourage the user to engage with the advertisement physically.


  1. Quizzes

The internet is filled with quizzes from different companies at the moment. Many companies use quizzes to interact with their clients as they are the most common type of interactive content.


  1. Calculators

An interactive calculator is also a tool that you can include in your content. If your brand requires your audience to do a lot of calculations, this is a valuable tool.


  1. Assessments

An interactive assessment engages the user by giving a score based on the correct answers they give. It helps gather information about your audience.


  1. Polls and surveys

This type of interactive content is used on social media platforms. Social media apps have provided the feature by default. All you need to do is edit your questions and share.


Interactive content gets more engagement than passive content, which is why it’s a great idea to invest in creating more interactive content to increase user engagement and leads.


If you need help creating interactive content, the team at Anchor Digital is ready to help. We also offer web development, design and social media services. Visit our website or contact us for more information.




If you need assistance in creating interactive content, consult Anchor digital They also offer web development, design, social media, and much more services. Visit their website for more details. Or contact them at

How to Identify Your Competitors

Every business in the world has competition, no matter whether it’s a small or large business. As a business owner, you should know who your competitors are, what they are providing and how different it is from what you’re doing. But, sometimes, just knowing who your competitors are isn’t enough.

There are two groups of competitors; direct and indirect competitors. Direct competitors are those businesses that sell similar products and services to your business. For instance, if you run a bookstore, your direct competitors are other bookstores. Indirect competitors are businesses that don’t sell similar products but compete with your business digitally. For example, they may write the same content as you, so both of you are competing for your customer’s attention.

How Do You Identify Your Direct Competitors?

  • Market research

Take a close look at the market and evaluate which companies are selling the same products as you.

  • Customer feedback

Customers are essential when it comes to identifying your competition. Once in a while, a customer will compare your products with another company. You can ask those questions on what you can do differently to make their experience better. In addition, customers often reveal unexpected competitors.

  • Online research

It is straightforward to know your direct competitors in this age of social media platforms and forums. Check conversations and recommendations that people online give to each other.

How Do You Identify Your Indirect Competitors?

  • Keyword research

Keyword research is the ideal method to identify indirect competitors. Google several keywords you would like to find, and you will see the first searches that appear when a customer uses these keywords. Your competitors might have optimised their sites to give them a high ranking.

  • Analyse Google’s search engine results page

Use Google’s search engine results page to identify keywords that are central to your product. Then, type the keywords into Google and see who is competing with your content on search engines.

  • Conduct a SWOT analysis

Review your strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities. This is a simple method to quickly identify where you’re beating out or falling behind the competition and develop any strategic changes you need to make.

To get ahead in business, you need to be better than your competitors. If you need assistance in identifying your competitors, Anchor Digital is here to help. Visit our website to see the services we offer or contact us for more information.


Published24 November 2021EditHow to Identify Your Competitors Categorized as
Video vs Images in Driving Engagement

When it comes to driving engagement, videos are more popular than images, especially on social media. Videos are consumed by society more than images. On Facebook, 100 million hours of videos are watched every day.

There are several reasons why videos are more popular than images in driving engagement, such as:

  • The video combines auditory and visual senses while photos only engage the visual sense

Videos catch users’ attention because they combine sound and motion. Both convey messages effectively and make videos easy to understand. Your brand gets to deliver a message in the right context, desired tone and visual cues. Most people would rather listen to a message than read it.

With images, one has to read the message themselves. There can be misunderstandings due lack of tone and context that the message is delivered with. According to studies, only 10% of people remember a message after reading it, whereas 95% remember it when they watch it.

  • All types of content

Unlike images, videos encompass all types of content. For example, a video can include text, music, photographs, links and much more. Thus, the viewer gets all the information they need in-depth on one video.

  • Storytelling

Video is the ideal approach to tell a story about your brand or products. They make information easy to understand, which is why consumers and marketers love them. Moreover, they have a way of capturing your viewer’s attention for longer, making it easy for you to sell your brand.

  • Clear message

Videos deliver clearer messages as compared to images. There is no misinterpretation of words or meaning when it comes to videos. The viewer gets to understand the message with ease.

  • Videos earn consumers’ trust

People tend to trust brands and services that use videos for advertising themselves. The videos help your brand earn your customers’ trust. It also educates them on how to use a product practically.

Videos have more advantages than images in driving engagement.


If you need help driving engagement to your brand or business, look no further than Anchor Digital. Visit our website to see our services or contact us for more information. We will help you every step of the way.

How to Analyse Your Campaign Performance?
  • Establish your key metric based on your campaign objective

Every marketing campaign has a purpose, such as building brand awareness or generating leads and conversions. Based on the specific goals that your campaign has, identify your key metrics. Your metrics can be clicks, impressions, conversion rates, leads or average engagement.


  • Conversion tracking

If your campaign key metric is conversion or conversion rate, it is essential to set up a conversion tracker. You can also set up a lead gen form to analyse leads and cost per lead.


  • Ad performance

Evaluate your ad performance. How is your advertisement doing? Are they attracting more customers? Are they informative?


  • Measure traffic on your website

Evaluate traffic that your website gets from the campaign. For example, how many people visited your page that contained the campaign parameter or the page related to the campaign? How many visited through a campaign-related keyword referral?


  • New customers

Keep track of the number of new customers that the campaign brought to the website for the first time. You will identify the new customers by looking at the first page that they visited. Is the page associated with the campaign?


  • Influenced deals

These are the numbers of deals closed due to the campaign's influence. For a deal to appear in this report, the deal must be completed after the campaign influences the customer.


  • Increased revenue

How much revenue or sales were made through the influence of the campaign? Did the sales increase or remain the same? If the sales increase, it means that your campaign is performing well. However, if the sales remain constant, there is a probability that your campaign is not performing as it should.

Analysing your campaign performance is important because it helps you identify the strength and weaknesses of your campaign strategy. As a result, you will get to improve on the weakness and emphasise the strength.


If you need assistance in analysing your marketing campaign performance, the team at Anchor Digital is your go-to. We are digital marketing experts and are excited to help you reach your potential customers. Visit our website or contact us for more information on our services.


How Are Infographics Used in Digital Marketing?

Infographics are graphic visuals of information used to help customers understand information through data, charts and statistics.


The Purpose of Infographics Is To:

  • Display market research
  • Simplify information and concepts
  • Show the benefits of products and services
  • Raise awareness


You Can Use Infographics in the Following Ways:

  1. To tell a visual story

Just like blogs tell a written story about a product or brand, infographics tell a visual story. They are used to illustrate different information and facts about products, including timeframe and statistics. For example, a mobile app company can use infographics to explain the future of mobile apps and its vision for the future using charts and statistics.  If the company had written it as a blog, fewer people would pay attention to it.


  1. To generate inbound links

Infographics generate a lot of inbound links when the content is on target. In addition, colourful and organised infographics increase a reader’s willingness to read a piece.


  1. To encourage people to share content

Marketers use infographics to encourage people to share information about their brands. Infographics have relevant information that is easy to share; hence many people share the content.


  1. To explain concepts

Sometimes it's tough to explain concepts or processes to people face to face or through blogs, which is why marketer’s use infographics to present information to their audience.


Anchor Digital offers services in digital marketing, including SEO, design, social media and more. Visit our website or contact us for more information on how we can help you improve your digital marketing.



How Long Does SEO Take to Start Working?

It takes about six months to start seeing notable results from your SEO. Some websites claim to see the results sooner than this, while it takes up to 12 months for others. However, six months is the average time that SEO starts to work, and you will notice changes. Some website owners prioritise speed over sustainability, which hurts their SEO in the long run as Google is automatically suspicious of any website that has a sudden increase in ranking. Be patient with your SEO ranking and avoid using tactics that will harm it in the long run.


SEO is an investment that needs maintenance and continuous attention to see any sustainable results. There is no hidden ingredient for SEO. It takes time, planning and careful readjustment to achieve and maintain ranking, returns on investment and traffic.


These Factors Affect Your SEO Ranking:

  • Age and authority of your site

Your domain age is linked to your search engine optimisation ranking. You will see the difference between a six-month domain and a one-year domain when it comes to ranking. Older domain benefits more from SEO ranking than newer domains. Older domains seem more trustworthy to search engines than newer ones. The more authoritative and older your domain, the higher the probability of trust from the search engines.


  • Backlinks

Build links using quality and engaging content. The link building is time-consuming; however, if you use tricks to achieve your link and SEO ranking, Google will penalise you. You can advertise your content on social media to grow your website. Due to more extensive backlinks, older websites have an advantage over their competitors.


  • Content strategy

Ensure you publish and promote engaging and informative content on your site. The more relevant your content is to your niche, the more people will visit your site.


Other Factors Include:

  • Keywords and competitors
  • Error, hosting issues and penalties
  • SEO-friendly design, structure, and architecture
  • On-page and off-page SEO strategies



If you need any assistance building your SEO ranking for your website, talk to the experts at Anchor Digital. Visit our website or contact us for more information on our SEO services and how we can help land your website on the first page of Google.
